Clover’s App Market enables you to customize Clover to fit the needs of your business, employees, and customers.
In the App Market , you’ll find free and paid apps created by Clover and third-party companies.
Common Questions
Do I need to create a special Clover account to use the App Market?
You don’t need to create a special Clover account to use the App Market. Just log in to your Clover account using the instructions above.
Can I install apps from the App Market onto my phone or tablet?
You can’t install apps from the App Market onto non-Clover devices such as an iPhone, iPad, or an Android device.
Purchasing an app
How am I billed for my subscriptions on the App Market?
Your merchant account is billed for any app subscriptions or metered billing for apps you have subscribed to. No credit card or other form of billing available.
How do I pay for paid apps?
Paid apps are paid through your connected merchant account.
If I have more than one Clover device on my Clover account, do I need to purchase an app for each device?
No, you don’t have to purchase an app for each device on your Clover account. Once you purchase an app, it will be installed on all of your applicable Clover devices.
I purchased a new Clover device. Do I need to copy my apps onto it?
When you activate your new Clover device, the apps associated with your Clover account will automatically be installed onto your new device.
Third-party apps
What is a third-party app?
The App Market offers apps created by Clover, Inc., and it also offers apps created by other companies (known as third-parties).
This is similar to Apple’s app store, where some of the apps were created by Apple, and other apps were created by other companies.
How can I tell if an app is a Clover app or a third-party app?
In the App Market , you’ll see the apps that are installed on your Clover devices and other apps that are available to be installed. Below each app name is the name of the company that created the app as well as the cost of the app (if any).
Is Clover responsible for third-party apps?
The company that created the app is responsible for supporting it, not Clover, Inc. Please contact the company that created the app if you have a question. Go to the App Market on the web or a Clover device, and tap the app name to find contact information for that company.
How do I install or uninstall an app?
See the article Install / Uninstall Apps For Your Clover Devices.
How do I see a list of all of the apps that are available for my Clover devices?
Open the App Market on a Clover device, or go to the App Market on the web.
Free Apps and 30-day Free Trials
How do I cancel my subscription for an app?
When you uninstall the app, your subscription will be canceled.
Do I need to register a credit card to install an app with a 30-day free trial?
No, but your merchant account will be billed after the 30-day free trial ends if it is still installed.
If I sign up for an app with a 30-day free trial, will I receive a warning that my merchant account will be charged?
Yes, you will receive a reminder email just before the 30-day free trial ends.
Why are some apps free and some paid?
Some of the apps in the App Market are free, and others require payment. When Clover or a third-party company offers an app that takes more time for initial development and updates, they may decide to charge a monthly subscription.
If an app is free now, can the company charge me for it later without my approval?
Companies can’t charge your merchant account on file without your approval. When you click to subscribe & install an app, you are agreeing to the charge terms that are listed.
Payment Confirmation
How do I see a list of apps I’ve been billed for?
- On the Web Dashboard, open the App Market
- Click Billing History in the top right corner of the page.
You’ll see a list of the apps you’ve been billed for.
Will I receive confirmation each month that I’ve been billed?
You will receive a separate confirmation email for each charge and each app.
Subscriptions, Installing, and Uninstalling Apps
If I uninstall a paid app, will I still be billed for the remainder of that subscription month?
Yes, if you uninstall a paid app, you’ll still be billed for the remainder of that subscription month.
Am I charged for apps on a calendar month basis?
The monthly billing cycle starts on the date you installed the app, and you are billed every subsequent month until you uninstall the app.
What happens when I upgrade to a higher tier within a paid app?
If you upgrade to a higher tier within a paid app, you will be charged a prorated amount for the remainder of the current billing month.
What happens when I downgrade to a lower tier within a paid app?
You will be moved to the lower tier functionality immediately, and you will be charged the new amount for the lower tier starting on the next billing cycle.
What happens when an app changes subscription pricing?
If you subscribe to an app at a specific rate, that rate continues until you uninstall the app, the app becomes unavailable, or the company that created the app removes it from the App Market .
If a company changes the subscription rate for an app, the new rate only affects new installations. Therefore, if you uninstall and want to reinstall an app, you will see the current price for that app, which may be higher than your previous subscription rate.
Uninstalling and reinstalling apps may cause you to be double-billed or bumped to a higher subscription rate if you reinstall the app. Before uninstalling the app and reinstalling the app, check the troubleshooting section for the app and contact the company that created the app.
What happens if I uninstall, then reinstall, an app in the same day because I’m having issues with the app? Will I get charged twice?
If it’s during the 30 day free trial, you will not be charged. If it’s after the 30 day free trial, uninstalling the app will end your previous subscription, and reinstalling the app will start a new subscription.
Most issues with apps are not fixed by uninstalling and reinstalling the app. Uninstalling and reinstalling an app to troubleshoot issues is strongly discouraged because it may increase your subscription fee, and it typically does not fix the problem. For any app issues, contact the company that created it. You can find their information in the App Market by clicking the app name.
I haven’t used the app since I downloaded it. Do I still have to pay for it?
Yes, your subscription begins when you install the app.
If your app has a 30-day free trial, you can uninstall the app any time prior to the start of the paid subscription period and you will not be charged for that app subscription.
How do I request a refund for an app?
- If the app is on a Clover device or your Web Dashboard, first uninstall the app.
- Contact the company that created the app regarding your refund request.
You can find the company’s contact information in the App Market on the web or a Clover device.
How do I request a refund for an app that I do not remember installing?
- If the app is on a Clover device or your Web Dashboard, first uninstall the app.
- Contact the company that created the app regarding your refund request.
You can find the company’s contact information in the App Market on the web or a Clover device.
Who do I contact regarding a billing error?
Contact the company that created the app. You can find the company’s contact information in the App Market on the web or a Clover device.
An app I paid for is not working. What should I do?
Check the troubleshooting section for the app and contact the company that created the app. You can find the company’s contact information in the App Market on the web or a Clover device.
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